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How to draw human figures

with simple guidelines & tips

Figure Drawing Class
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Do you feel ...

... like you aren't good or talented enough for drawing figures?
... frustrated that you are not able to draw the picture you have in your head?
... like it's impossible that you can draw expressive figure in correct proportions?
... like it will take years to learn drawing human bodies?

Figure Drawing Class Draw only a few minutes a day

It can be easier:

In this Class I will guide you through the figure drawing process with really simple but effective methods. You'll only need to draw a few minutes a day to be able to draw expressive figures with ease soon!

All you need to learn about figure drawing is inside this class.

Figure Drawing Class sum up

My distilled knowledge, that I have gained from my years of experiences as an illustrator. And I have especially focused on all the typical pain points of figure drawing, that my students were facing during all the years in my drawing courses. I have broken it down into simple steps so that you are soon able to draw complex figures with ease in natural and expressive poses.

You can directly draw with me step by step. This is a wonderful way to thoroughly understand the process and to directly apply the methods that are really valuable for expressive drawings. 

Figure Drawing Class what you will getFigure Drawing Class what you will get
Figure Drawing Class lady 1
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It was my very first attempt at drawing figures
after years of thinking that it was too difficult
and I would never be able to do it.

I was shocked and so proud of myself
after completing each of your lessons.

Thank you again for putting in the time and effort
to share your knowledge and your art.

— Cindy Culbertson

What you will get:

9 modules

In 9 modules containing 61 lessons we are focusing on all relevant topics for drawing humans: easy to follow guidelines for female and male body types and dynamic posing styles, techniques to draw different hairstyles and portrait perspectives and thorough close-up’s for drawing hands and feet so that the figures look natural in their poses.

Additionally you get extra modules about child and baby proportions
and the Live Call replays about folds & wrinkles as well and faces & curls.

Figure Drawing Modules
reference material

Never run out of ideas no need to search the ideal motive for hours:
You will get
10 inspiration folders full of amazing pictures to get inspired for your own drawings.

Figure Drawing Inspiration Folder
bonus figure drawing class

Additionally, I am giving you precious bonus material so that you can deepen your drawing knowledge even more: practically oriented anatomy lessons, tutorials about realistic face and hair drawing and essential basics how to start a drawing in general.

Figure Drawing Bonus

Your teaching style and easy approach to figure drawing makes it much less intimidating.

I had never tried to draw people before because I thought it was something that I would never be able to do, but now it's fun just trying to follow your simple steps.
Thank you so much for that!

— Cindy Culbertson

Imagine if you could ...

... make stunning drawings in your sketchbook!
... draw expressive human bodies from scratch!
... have a clear idea how to deduct the correct body proportions!
... feel self-assured about your drawing skills!

Pfeil Figure Drawing

The Figure Drawing Class

With the help of this colorful gang we are diving into the world of figure drawing: starting with rough and simple sketches to capture the dynamic of human gestures until the fine details that make a character so unique and fascinating. You are going to learn basic drawing principles and clear step by step explanations how to start a figure drawing from scratch. 

No drawing experiences are necessary.

You are going to learn all relevant topics for drawing humans in a practically oriented way with simple guidelines and you'll get lifetime access to the class.

The secret ingredient for enhancing your drawing skills so quickly?

You get valuable feedback on your sketches, when you can't put the finger on it.
Having individual support in your drawing process is simply priceless.

What students are saying ...

“Barbara is so thorough, knowledgeable, and engaging”  

Danielle Kinley Ryland, California

“Simple explanations and easy to follow.
Great class, Barbara, thank you so much!”  

Heidi Seidl, Switzerland

Figure Drawing Class Testimonial

"I love her style as a techer, the subtle way she explains complicated things
in such a manner that sounds easy, simple, natural. Empowering."

Adeline Wall, France

Figure Drawing Class Testimonial

Only a few minutes a day ...

Some minutes of drawing per day are enough to enhance your drawing skills considerably.

The Class is split into manageable parts, so that you can easily follow the drawing process and sketch with me. There is no drawing experience necessary. 

  • Draw at your own pace
  • mobile and tablet friendly
  • lifetime access

At the end of this class you have learned
a lot about figure drawing and human proportions: you will be able to sketch your own gang – in different poses and individual appearances. You will know how to start drawing a human being from scratch and how to add dynamic and details to it.

Figure Drawing Class Draw only a few minutes a day

The Class is structured in 9 comprehensive modules:

Modul 1 Figure Drawing Class

The basics about the human body: simple guidelines

Step by step I am going to introduce you to the human anatomy in a hands-on way. As we are studying the human body while sketching the dancers, you will learn a lot about the human figure without realizing. Your eyes start to see the figures differently – the more you sketch, the more you see.

Modul 2 Figure Drawing Class

Female body types: easy methods to deduct complex body shapes

The beauty of diversity. We are all different and everyone is fascinating and special and unique. And this is exactly the topic of this Modul: the female body types.

+ Character Brainstorming Process

Modul 3 Figure Drawing Class

Drawing faces seen from different perspectives

When drawing humans, people are posing in many different ways, so that the face isn’t always orientated directly towards us, but fully or slightly turned to the side. We are going to take this into consideration as well, when discussing the proportions of a human face step by step.

Drawing feet + optical foreshortening

Basic shapes are really precious to define the correct position of the foot to make it appear well placed on the ground in the right perspective. A big topic coming along with the feet drawing: optical fore-shortening. It's an essential part of figure drawing as a moving figure isn’t always displaying every single part of the body in its full length.

Module 5 Figure Drawing Class

Drawing hands: helpful techniques to master this challenge

Easy to follow methods for defining the complex structure of a human hand and for splitting the hand into drawable parts. The module also contains a brainstorming process based on 4 steps that will give you a precious guideline for realistic drawing.
+ Hand drawing exercise for the muscle memory

Module 6 Figure Drawing Class

Hairstyles: realistic or more cartoon style drawing approaches

The concept of drawing hair explained with different hairstyle examples based on a clear principle that will serve as a helpful guidelines through the entire hair drawing process. And different shading principles for the human body.

Module 7 Figure Drawing Class

Color & Accessoires: let's add glamor to the gang + Shading

This module is focused on drawing techniques to underline the character of the girls based on the character brainstorming process. This is the moment, when we can fully visualize the characters we have designed before.
+ Definition of light & shadow

Module 8 Figure Drawing Class

Male body types: physical differences

We are going to define three main male body types that are basically different in terms of their overall shape. Instead of looking at the detailed drawing process, we will focus here on the differences between female and male figures.

Module 9 Figure Drawing Class

Gang Inspiration

Drawing is powerful. You can express feelings and messages with it. Drawings can be mood changing. This is a really powerful approach and will be part of this module.

+ Focus on muscles and clothes

6 BONUS modules to deepen your figure drawing knowledge:

Figure Drawing Class BONUS circles
  • BONUS: my best proven method to learn drawing: the basics about drawing: how you start a drawing from scratch. I am giving you great guidelines, how to start a drawing in general, that you can apply to any drawing motive.
  • BONUS: my new Anatomy course: You will get an understanding of the human anatomy in a practically oriented way.
  • BONUS: a full Portrait drawing course: realistic face and hair drawing: all the details about shading, eye drawing and realistic hairstyles and easy to follow tips and tricks
  • BONUS: DIY Blending stick: how to make your own drawing tool yourself.

Barbara Baumann Illustration

Hey, I'm Barbara!

My name is Barbara Baumann. I am an award winning illustrator and drawing tutor from Austria.

I am giving drawing classes to thousands of students online and local in classes, which is a true pleasure as it is so wonderful to support other drawing enthusiasts to find their own ways of creative expression.

Thanks to all these years of illustration experiences and drawing classes, I have gained precious knowledge about the paint points and challenges in figure drawing that you will get now in a distilled but practically oriented way in my Figure Drawing Class.

My illustrations have been featured in:

References of Barbara Baumann Illustration

By the end of this class you will be able to:

Figure Drawing Learnings

... sketch the human body in correct proportions

You won't feel over-whelmed anymore by the complexity of the human body, as you are going to learn clear guidelines for the FEMALE and the MALE figure.

Figure Drawing Learnings

... draw dynamic poses

It's not only about drawing humans, it's about drawing the expression of the body.
You will learn step by step how to define this dynamic on the paper and how to draw muscles based on ANATOMY studies.

Figure Drawing Learnings

... face the challenge of drawing hands & feet

Hands and feet are so essential in a figure drawing, they influence a pose strongly.
I am giving you helpful tips & tricks to master this challenge.

Figure Drawing Learnings

... draw expressive faces with a minimum of lines

The class comprises the study of the human face from different perspectives by focusing on its UNIQUE characteristics. Additionally you can dive into realistic portrait drawing in the bonus tutorial.

Figure Drawing Learnings

... make amazing art, full of expression

Making art is so fulfilling and enriching for your life and your inner balance.
I am giving you all the means necessary to live a "creative sketchbook life".

Figure Drawing Learnings

... to start a drawing from scratch

You'll have the knowledge how to begin a drawing and how to use reference pictures in order to draw your own figure with INDIVIDUAL characteristics.

“Barbara is a great teacher and her way of explaning and illustrating as we go is great and engaging.“ 

Miriam Haukebo, illustrator

Feedback Figure Drawing Class

"Very recommendable course! The teaching method is clear and of very good quality!"

Alexandra Grandits, human energetic practionner

Join us in the class!

The most flexible way of getting into the class:

The best value for the class:

Includes LIFETIME access to the class.

Includes LIFETIME access to the class.

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Figure Drawing Class sum up


Enrolling in this Figure Drawing Class is a big decision and I want you to be absolutely clear about this decision and to feel good about it. You find here answers to frequently asked questions. But if there are still questions open for you, feel free to write me directly and I'll be happy to answer them as quick as possible:

I can't draw. Is this class for me?

When does the class begin?

I am explaining every topic of the class with clear guidelines and easy to follow methods that do not require any drawing experiences. Throughout the entire figure drawing class, we are talking about lots of basics of drawing, like the shading process or the quality of lines.

Additionally, you can learn in a bonus tutorial with my best proven drawing method how to sketch any motive from scratch. 

We are starting together on Monday after the enrollment for the class has closed, because I want to fully focus on the drawing process with the students and be available for any questions and for drawing feedback. 

The modules will be open for the class step by step so that there is enough time to work on each topic thoroughly.
But, you can nevertheless watch and re-watch the lessons and do the exercises at your own pace. 

How much does the class cost?

How long can I watch the class?

The entire class, including all the bonus material and lifetime access, costs € 297,00 in full payment. But you can also choose the monthly payment with € 76,00 for 4 months.

You can watch and re-watch the class as often as you want and at your pace and convenience. You have lifetime access to all the modules.

How many modules are in the class?

What supplies will I need for the class?

The figure drawing class consists of 9 modules that are based on each other. The modules are focused on different topics of figure drawing. In the course of the gang drawing – we are diving into these different topics and study them in depth with lots of different examples and drawing methods.

You won’t need a lot of material. Basically you can learn drawing by only using a pencil and a sheet of paper. Or a pen.

In this class, I am using a lot of different tools in order to show you the best way possible how to learn figure drawing: 

For sketching I am using pencils, ink pens and a ball-point pen on the sketchbook (for detailed portraits additionally a kneaded eraser). But I am also drawing on the pad and on the graphic tablet. The tools are always different – but the topic and the methods are the same. This means that you can use any tool: you can follow the class digitally or with a simple pencil and a sheet of paper.

How can I show you my drawings in the class?

What is your refund policy?

Below every lesson is a comment field, where you can add your questions or post your drawing and the sketching exercises, so that we can talk about them. We learn so much from each other by sharing our drawings. Additionally you can send me your sketches to my mailbox as well.

You’ll have a full 30 days to see if my figure drawing class is right for you. If you determine that it isn’t, just let mes know and I’ll gladly refund your money. No hassles. No hard feelings.

"Excellent. I enjoyed learning how to draw basic steps to draw human body in motion. Barbara Bauman broke the steps down that made it very easy for a beginner like me. All of her classes are excellent. I now believe I can draw because of Ms. Baumann."

Jiab Wassermann

"As a dyslexic novice- this is "the first" these concepts have gotten through to me. I find this presentation to be uncomplicated, clearly explained and full of helpful techniques. Barbara Thank you for sharing. Greatly appreciated!

P.S. I find "the speed of your speaking" to be very helpful also. P.P.S. I'll be watching this many times to cement ;-) Am a happy camper now... "I got it, I got it, I GOT IT ! Now I just have to practice, practice and practice ;-)"

Lynda Meek

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Thank you for your inspiration.
Through you I got the confidence to actually put my work out there.

— Michelle C.